Sunday, April 20, 2008


We praise You, O' God, and Your greantness throughout the world proclaim;
All the earth and creation worships, and praises Your most holy name.
To You, all the angels cry out loud, and the saints gather around Your throne;
The holy angels, and the cherubim and searaphim proclaim You God alone.

Holy are You, the God and the Creator of us all;
The saints cast down their crowns, and in worship, before You fall.
The holy Prophets and blessed Apostles praise You, the saints in joy now sing;
The noble army of the martyrs in white robes acknowledge You to be King.

The Holy Church acknowledges You with both thanks and praise;
The Father of Majesty, with Your beloved Son, our thankful voices raise.
And the Blessed Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who is One;
In Blessed holy unity, with the Father and the Son.

You are the King of glory, O' Christ, our everlasting King;
You are the Son of the Father. Our praises with gratitude now bring.
You left Your throne above, to save us from the curse of sin;
You humbled Yourself to be born of a virgin.

When You overcame death's power and the grave's sharp sting;
You arose and ascended. You now reign as our Eternal Lord and King.
We, Your Church look for You to return in both power and glory;
The Church in mission, goes forth to the world to proclaim Your story.

We Your people, will forever sing and bless Your most holy Name;
And before all the world, Your saving grace and love, we shall proclaim.
We therefore pray You to help Your servants whom You have saved out of love;
Make them to be numbered with Your saints in heaven above.