Saturday, February 28, 2009


I have had struggles and setbacks that have caused me to shed a tear;
There have been times when I've just trembled with doubt and fear.
At times, I lose faith and think that I will just fail;
Yet it is faith that reminds me that in God, I shall prevail.

I've made poor choices and at times I've lost my way;
I haven't always listened to advice and then I go astray.
I might easily throw up my hands and think that I will fail;
God is there to remind me that in Him, I shall prevail.

I still believe even though I've got struggles too great to bear;
I am reminded that God will take my every worry and my every care.
Yet doubt still sets in, and sometimes I think that I will fail;
God reminds me to trust and believe. In Him, I shall always prevail.

-Michael Carter

Songs of my soul-Poems 1983-Present

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog.
Beautiful poem.
I found you first on the C.C Devotions site. I attend the Redmond, Or congregation. I've been looking for blogs like yours. I'm also a poet.