Monday, December 17, 2007

Preserve me, O' God(Conserva me, Domine) Psalm 16

Preserve me, O' God, for I trust in thee;
I say to my soul, "God hast been truly good to me."
I do not worry; for thou will always care for me.
In thee, do the saints rejoice. In thee, do they delight;
Through thy Spirit, they are blessed and they are kept holy in thy sight.
Troubles will fall upon those who do not seek thee. Their plans will fail;
All their wicknedness and false hopes will surely crumble and not prevail.
Yea, the Lord is my portion. The Lord keeps my soul;
His hand is ever guiding me. He shall lead me on to the heavenly goal.
I will bless the Lord, for He guides my feet along the way;
I will bless the Lord, for He gives me counsel both night and day.
I have set the Lord before me, because He is with me, I shall stand;
I need not worry about falling, He shall uphold me with His mighty hand.
My faith in Him rests firm. There is nothing that shall move me away;
I will remain faithful, and I shall not, from Him stray.
In Him, I will praise. To Him, I will sing and lift up my voice;
He daily gives me reasons to be thankful and to rejoice.
God will not abandon me. He will not turn away, nor leave me alone;
God is ever faithful. He cares for, and He takes care of His own.
He will deliver me and bring me safely through the storms of pain and strife;
He will plant my feet on the path that leads to eternal life.
When the journey ends, He will lead me to heaven. There, I'll praise the one I adore;
There in the heavenly courts, I will sing God's praises now and forevermore.