Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lord, in Your mercy

Lord God, I come to Your holy table to seek comfort for my troubled heart;
I come, O Lord, seeking the sacrament which offers the forgiveness that You impart.
Dear Lord God, I ask for Your forgiveness, and I place myself into Your care;
Lord God, in Your mercy, look down and hear my prayer.

I confess to You my Father, my sins and all that I've done and left undone;
I cling not to my merits, but only to the merits of Your dear Son.
Lord Jesus Christ; through Word and sacrament, bring me through despair;
Lord Jesus, continue to remain with me. In your mercy, hear my prayer.

Through Your Word and sacrament, give to me strength for each new day;
By Your true presence, lead and guide me along life's way.
Help me to believe and to overcome all doubt. I place myself in Your care;
Do not leave me alone. Lord, in Your tender mercy, hear my prayer.

Praise be to Christ for the blessings of the sacrament in both bread and wine;
And for the gift of faith to receive from You forgiveness, so amazing and divine.
Thanks be to the Savior for the sacrament that pulls me up from despair;
Thanks be to the Savior, in His mercy and grace, He has heard my prayer.