Saturday, March 15, 2008

Christians, praise your God!

Christians, praise your God! Praise Him for He's done;
How through His own dear Son, the victory has been won.
Praise be to God for the great blessing that He gave us;
Out of great love, He sent forth His own Son to save us.

There was a time when we were crushed by the weight of sin;
It bore us down, and caused us bitter pain without end.
Then the devil came, and he daily tormented and oppressed us;
His relentless attacks, greatly tormented and distressed us.

Death the evil foe brooded over our fate, and threatened us each day;
We struggled with the flesh, and at times we fell away.
The suffering from sin and the devil was too great, and deeper we fell;
Our suffering under the power of sin made life a living hell.

The powers of sin and the devil so ruled us, and kept us in captivity;
We were bound in chains. In pain, we cried out for liberty.
Our condition was painful, and our suffering was so great;
We were burdened down, and felt as if we were carrying a heavy weight.

Our own good works could not win our freedom. They could not save;
They could not turn back the powers of sin, the devil, and the grave.
Our human nature, against God's judgments would rebel;
Because of the torment of sin, we suffered the very pangs of hell.

God saw our condition. He saw us struggling through sin's dark night;
He turned a Father's heart towards us. He was moved by our plight.
He saw that we were oppressed, and that we could not stand;
God resolved that He would set forth His saving plan.

God acted in His own time. He knew what needed to be done;
He would send forth a Savior. He would send forth His Son.
He said; "Go, joy of my heart. From sin and sorrow set them free;
Slay bitter death, so that they will live with You in eternity.

My Son, cast down the devil from his throne;
Bring them peace, so that they will praise You alone."
The Son laid aside His crown and went forth. His mission to fulfill;
He stepped forth from His royal throne, obedient to His Father's will.

The Son came to earth, and was born of virgin mother;
He took the servant's form. He came to be our brother.
He came into the world to seek and to save;
He came to overthrow the powers of sin, the devil, and the grave.

He said; " My beloved, stay close to me;
From the stain of sin, I've come to set you free.
For your sins, I shall suffer and be crucified;
Through faith in me, you will righteous and justified.

The foe will slay me, but I will rise from the dead;
He might strike my heel, but I will crush his head.
By my death and resurrection, I shall destroy the power of the grave;
I have come, your soul to both redeem and to save.

Through my innocent blood, I will make you my own;
I will redeem you, and make you mine alone.
I will abide with you always. You are mine forever.
The wicked foe will divide us, never.

Hold fast to me, for I will be your rock and mighty fortress;
I will comfort you, and bring you through times of distress.
Fear not, for I will go with you on the battlefield;
Your faith in me, will be your protection and your shield.

Be on your guard against those who would steal your hope. Resist them in Faith;
Do not fear them. I will send you my Spirit. He will keep you safe.
Be steadfast in faith. Stand on my Word, and hold your ground;
Be faithful to me to the point of death and in heaven, you'll wear a gold crown.

I will give you my Spirit to strengthen you in the race that you must run;
He will guard you. He will remind you of all that I've said and done.
In your journey, always look to me. Do not have doubt, but believe;
My peace and my blessing I give you, before I leave."

Now to Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Our great Redeemer King;
All our thanks and praises, we joyfully now bring.
With the Father and the Spirit, we bless and adore;
Praise be to the Triune God, now and forever more.

-Michael Carter,

From the collection;"Songs of my sou1." Poems from 1983-the present."