Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How wonderful it to know the Savior.

How wonderful it is to know the Savior. How wonderful that He's near;
What a blessed comfort it is to know that He calms my every worry and fear.
What a blessing it is to have been washed by His blood, and saved by His grace;
How powerful it is to be warmed by the bright beams that shine from His face.

How wonderful it is to know a Savior who suffered and died for my sin;
I have a Savior who is my Lord. He is my teacher and my friend.
What a wonderful peace it is to have a Savior who guides me each day;
My Savior know my joys sorrows. He listens when I pray.

Dear friend, do you know the Savior? Do you know of His great mercy and love?
Do you mediate on the Savior's blessings that He sends from heaven above?
If you know the Savior, then there's no greater peace that you'll find;
His Words will give your soul peace, and will comfort your mind.

Come and know the Savior. Come and find in Him, both peace and life;
Come to Him, and find comfort in times of both pain and strife.
The Savior cares for you. He holds you in the palm of His hand;
Come and believe in the One who has opened the way to the promised land.

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