Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let us hold on to hope

Let us hold on to hope. Let us hold on to God's unchanging hand;
In Him, let us press on, and find the strength and courage to stand.
Our own flesh will cause us to stumble and to fail;
But with faith and hope, we press on. In God's power, we prevail.

Struggles and sorrows will come, and on the journey, rise up to greet us;
But with faith and hope in God, our troubles with neither overcome nor defeat us.
The world and the devil will attack our soul, and seek to snatch hope away;
God will keep us in hope and faith. He will strengthen us each new day.

Let us not place our hope in the empty promises of men;
May we hold firmly to the promises of Him overcame the dark power of sin.
Christian hope is grounded on the Word. It is forever sure;
God's promises are not empty. His grace and mercy shall forever endure.

Let us hope in God. Let His eternal presence daily guide us;
God will never forsake us. He has given His Spirit to always abide in us.
Let us hold on to hope. Hold on to the One who brings us through pain and strife;
Let us hold on to hope. Hold pn to the One who grants believers eternal life.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

From my collection: Songs of my soul; Poems 1983-Present

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